Nih! Yeyi Yorga Waangkiny features a small but considered collection of works by Nyoongar women, or yorga, each at different stages of their lives and creative careers, as well as those no longer with us.
In this space, the works of Nyoongar yorga offer a moving reflection on their individual lives and the worlds that we share. We invite you to respectfully explore, to djennung (look) and to nih (listen).
Nih! Yeyi Yorga Waangkiny unites Burdiyah (bosses/leaders), revered and loved by our community, with younger women just beginning their creative and cultural journeys. Together they celebrate the enduring strength and creativity of Nyoongar yorga, and the legacies they leave.
- Sharyn Egan
- Bella Kelly
- Ilona McGuire
- Lola McKickett
- Laurel Nannup
Yabini Kickett