Lincoln MacKinnon and The Wrecking Train combine uplifting choruses, heartbreaking harmonies and barely contained menace to produce an explosive blend of rock-blues-country music. Based in Fremantle, these port-town rockers have been wowing crowds across the country with their infectious melodies, energetic live show and unruly swagger.

Nika Mo finds ways to express comfortable melancholia while finding light and poetry in snapshots of the Perth mundane. Gut-wrenchingly honest lyrics, warming vocal harmonies and bold riffs make Nika Mo the perfect dose of melancholy-folk.
Sunday Music is FAC’s free weekly live music program. Enjoy the best local and touring bands every weekend in the beautiful setting of FAC’s Front Garden. Bring a rug and picnic to this family friendly event, or enjoy wood-fired pizzas and drinks from our bar. Some chairs provided.


Sunday Music is possible thanks to the ongoing support of Bendigo Bank – Fremantle Community Bank Branch. 2019-20 is the eleventh year of our tremendous partnership. Sunday Music runs every week from October to March.

Bendigo Bank supports Sunday Music