Projektet presented  the notion of the immune system as a bio-artistic blueprint of personal and cultural changes.

In a joint residency with SymbioticA, Amanda Newall and Ola Johansson conducted lab-based research along with applied performance work in local communities in the metropolitan Perth area. SymbioticA is an artistic laboratory at UWA dedicated to the research, learning, critique and hands-on engagement with the life sciences. The exhibition involved a variety of media, such as lab results, costume, physical objects, video and performance. Experiments with our most outreaching and personal site of identity, the corporeal immune system, provoked graphic, material, conceptual and live reactions that applied to site-specific circumstances where social actors ultimately come up against the limits of their own identities/communities. Bio-artistic game concepts incited personal and collective (inter)actions toward future communal relations beyond biological determinism and cultural utopias.