Perth-born sculptor Michael Bullock returned to WA with sculpture triggered by a memory of the smell of sandalwood.

Years ago the sculptor stood in a hot landscape in a wheatbelt town alongside a dead sandalwood tree which presented its unique, sweet perfumed smell, so redolent of the temples and markets of Asia. Sandalwood is indigenous to WA and was a significant export to Asia for making Joss sticks for Buddhist ceremonies. The Trail of Time wove personal experiences of landscape, place and family with research into the history, trade and uses of sandalwood in WA.

Bullock’s practice uses traditional sculptural processes; the formed, the modeled, the cast and the carved and is applied to different materials including paper, wood, metal, bronze, plaster and stone. Bullock has exhibited across Australia and throughout Asia including Vietnam and South Korea.

Developed through FAC’s Artist in Residence Program, this project was also supported by the Moora Fine Arts Society through a short term artistic residence and the Australian Government through the Australia Council.