In Cahoots: artists collaborate across Country is an expansive exhibition of new work taking over FAC’s galleries. The works are the result of 18 months of artists’ residencies in remote and regional Aboriginal art centres across Australia.

Artists from six key Aboriginal art centres have invited leading independent artists – both Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal – from around the country to work with them. The resulting collaborative artworks are significant, striking and bold in their inventive use of materials.

Featuring sculptural works, installations and films drawing together the ideas of artists from diverse backgrounds, In Cahoots presents these fascinating, potent collaborations happening across Country today.


  • Baluk Arts (VIC): Kirsty Bell, Dominic Bramall-White, Gillian Garvie, Glenn Foster, Tallara Gray, Robert Kelly, Beverley Meldrum, Rebecca Robinson, Nanette Shaw, Douglas Smith, Lisa Waup and Shane Wright WITH Neil Aldum (WA)
  • Buku-Larrnggay Mulka Arts Centre (NT): Ishmael Marika WITH Curtis Taylor (WA)
  • Mangkaja Arts (WA): Elsie Dickens, Yangkarni Penny K-Lyons, Myarn Lawford, Rita Minga, Eva Nargoodah, Illium Nargoodah, Johnny Nargoodah, Gene Tighe and Duane Shaw WITH Trent Jansen (NSW)
  • Martumili Artists (WA): Kumpaya Girgiba, Rachel Handley,
    Thelma Judson and Nancy Karnu Taylor WITH Claire Healy & Sean Cordeiro (NSW)
  • Papulankutja Artists (WA): Lynette Brown, Nora Davidson, Pamela Hogan, Freda Lane, Angilyiya Mitchell, Anawari Mitchell and Jennifer Mitchell WITH Louise Haselton (SA)
  • Warakurna Artists (WA): Nancy Carnegie Tjungupi, Lena Dawson Palitja, Andrea Giles, Norma Giles, Sheila Giles, Trudy Holland, Dianne Holland, Joyce James, Clarabelle Kendae, Francine Newberry, Nancy Nyanyarna Jackson, Polly Pawuya Butler-Jackson, Eunice Porter Yunurupa, Kristabell Porter, Delilah Shepherd, Dwayne Shepherd, Katherine Shepherd, Selina Shepherd, Dallas Smythe, Noreen Smythe, Dorothy Ward, Rocky William Porter, Billy Willy, Tracy Yates, Judith Yinyika Chambers and the children of Warakurna WITH Tony Albert (QLD)

Curated by Erin Coates, Fremantle Arts Centre

View the Panel Discussion on Cross-Cultural Collaboration

On Monday 27 November 2017 an expert panel of Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal artists, curators and studio coordinators from across Australia convened for a lively, provocative discussion around the question ‘what is at stake in cross-cultural creative collaboration today?’ The panel critiqued the issues and celebrated the successes of real projects, bringing a range of perspectives to shine a light on some of the most compelling and contentious artwork currently being made in Australia.


  • Vernon Ah Kee (QLD) – Artist, Kuku Yalanji, Waanji, Yidinji and Gugu Yimithirr, routinely investigates race, ideology and politics
  • Tony Albert (NSW) – In Cahoots Artist, Television Presenter
  • Bindi Cole Chocka (VIC) – Artist, Writer, Curator, of Wadawurrung heritage, makes provocative work exploring contemporary indigenous culture and identity
  • Louise Haselton (SA) – In Cahoots Artist, Lecturer at the University of South Australia
  • Trent Jansen (NSW) – In Cahoots Artist, Designer Wes Maselli (WA) – Studio Coordinator at Mangkaja Arts Resource Centre
  • Curtis Taylor (WA) – In Cahoots Artist, Martu Filmmaker

Alison Page (NSW) – Descendant of the Walbanga and Wadi Wadi people, Designer, Producer, Television Presenter

Read the Exhibition Catalogue

In Cahoots in the press