Disclosure is a quarterly evening of discourse and ideas, a space of ambition and experimentation.

From art theory to contemporary identity, Disclosure presenters will share knowledge and experience from their own unique vantage points, challenging us to see the world through a different lens, if only for an evening.

Art Today in WA

In this special edition of Disclosure for Marawar-ak | From the West, join a panel of artists, curators, critics, and creative producers, to discuss the art of today in WA.

In this conversation, moderated by Annika Kristensen, Visual Arts Curator at Perth Festival, the panel will reflect upon artistic legacies, contemporary practice and future trajectories.

Do you have a question about current trends in contemporary art practice, or curatorship in Western Australia? Or perhaps you have a short proposition for our panel to consider and respond to? If so, you can submit your question via our online registration form. Our panel will respond to a selection of these as a part of their discussion.



To help us prepare for this event, please register your attendance.