Do you ever look at an artwork and think: Why that colour? Why that shape? Why that size? What’s it REALLY all about? and what does the artist do for a “real” job?
Sam Bloor has all these answers and more. Come along to this artist talk, located at Fremantle Esplanade Park, and he’ll answer all of your questions without the fancy art lingo or classroom-style monologue. Just a guy, in a park, waiting to ramble with you about the ocean, the law, and the *weather.
About the Artist
Born 1987, Boorloo, Whadjuk Boodja | Perth, Western Australia
Lives and works Walyalup | Fremantle, Western Australia
Sam Bloor is a photographer and visual artist from Perth, Western Australia. His practice investigates points of contention within the designation of urban space along
with perceived notions of value and labour.
Bloor has exhibited in a number of group and solo shows both nationally and internationally including, Totem InTribute (2016) in Edinburgh, UK, the Fremantle Biennale (2019) and Rotterdam Photo Festival (2019), NL. Bloor has won multiple awards, including the Fremantle Arts Centre Print Award, and is represented in both private and public collections including the Art Gallery of WA.