For the first time, Fremantle Arts Centre presents a contemporary art exhibition specifically for kids. Animaze is about amazing animals of all sorts, where kids can wander and explore the wonderful world of animals and art.
With the work of more than 40 artists, specially designed play spaces, animal story readings and hands-on kids’ workshops, Animaze is a full-on animal art safari for kids and families.
Drop in and watch artist Ross Potter working on his huge, life-size drawing of every kid’s favourite elephant, Tricia from the Perth Zoo.
With prints, paintings, sculpture, crochet, robotics, aquatic critters, snakes, bears, bats and budgies Animaze: Amazing Animals for Kids has it all.
Exhibition Activities
Stroller Tours
Every Tue 8–22 Jan | 10:30am | Free | Mums & Bubs
Come and have a tour of the exhibition with your bub, free coffee for Mums who join the tour!
Story Time
Every Fri 11–25 Jan | 9:30am | Free | 0–6 years
Join us in the gallery for animal themed stories! Presented by Fremantle Library.
Craft Activities
Sat 12 Jan | Sat 19 Jan | Sat 26 Jan
10am–1pm | Front Garden | Free | All ages
After you’ve been through the exhibition, join us in the Front Garden to take part in a range of fun and free craft activities. Take home your creations!
Exhibiting Artists
Rashida Abdel Aziz | Abdul-Rahman Abdullah | Sohan Ariel Hayes, Zoe Atkinson & Kingsley Reeve | Dion Beasley | Sally Bower | Tom Buckland | Olga Cironis | Rory Dalitz | Peter Farmer | Nathan Ferlazzo | Susan Flavell | Kevin Foley | Belinda Fox | Golden Wattle Hookers | Guy Grey-Smith | Basil Hadley | Barbara Hanrahan | Jodie Heffernan | Anne Jope | Michael Kempson | Mary-Lou Layzell | Austen Mengler | Milan Milojevic | Min Pin |Gina Moore | Laurel Nannup | Anna Nazzari | Ron Nyisztor | Joe Ong | Tony Pankiw | Colin Paynton | Shane Pickett | Ross Potter | John Prince Siddon | Mariaan Pugh | Anna Louise Richardson | Sue Ryan | Heather Shimmen | Mei Swan Lim | Shaun Tan | Tjanpi Desert Weavers’ Dianne Ungukalpi Golding, Rene Kulitja & Cynthia Burke | Paul Trinidad Jnr | Jonathan Tse | George Tute | Paul Uhlmann | Sarah van Niekerk | Deborah Williams