Large-Scale Still Life Flower Painting Weekend with Joss Gregson with Joss Gregson

Come and enjoy the painting studio filled with the beauty and scent of flowers. You'll be invited to choose the flowers you'd like to include in your painting, followed by a demonstration of acrylic painting techniques. You'll learn how to achieve natural colour along with techniques for different flower types. Suitable for beginner, intermediate and advanced students.

What to bring:-

  • Acrylic paint  - Matisse Primary Red and Blue, Alizerine Crimson, Napthol Red, Arylimide Yellow Medium, Prussian Blue, Burnt Umber, plus a large tube of Titanium White
  • 1 or 2 large canvases (min size 1mx1m)
  • Small paint roller
  • Brushes selection to include - large flat bristle, large round bristle, medium flat nylong, medium round nylon, small round nylon sizes and house painters brushes
  • Palette (e.g., ice cream container lid is fine or a pro wet palette - rectangular)
  • Rags
  • Apron or painting shirt
  • Glad wrap

Building Access:

FAC is a heritage listed building with access limitations. If you have any special access requirements, please contact reception on 9432 9555 before enrolling in a course.

Students with Special Requirements:

If you or the person you are wishing to enrol has special requirements, please contact Reception on 9432 9555 or email [email protected] to discuss suitability and how we can help.

Tutor Joss Gregson

Joss Gregson is a prominent WA artist and a popular tutor at Fremantle Arts Centre.

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