Cyanotype Workshop (NEW!) with Bina Butcher

Create unique one-off sun prints using the medium of Cyanotype! Cyanotype is a process where you create imagery by using objects, stencils or drawings and expose it to the sun to create a print in the striking blue colour that cyanotype produces. You can use anything from plant matter, lace, glass, stencils or anything with an interesting shape or texture to create your imagery. It is a quick an easy method of printmaking that you can also do from home. No experience necessary!


  •  A materials fee is included in the cost of the course

What to bring:-

  • Notebook & pen
  • Apron
  • Plant matter (leaves/small flowers), dried flowers, textured fabric (mesh/lace), stencils, textured glass or plastic, any other objects or materials that may make an intersting pattern or texture
  • Students must wear appropriate clothing, closed-toe shoes and tie up long hair for safety reasons

Building Access:

FAC is a heritage listed building with access limitations. If you have any special access requirements, please contact reception on 9432 9555 before enrolling in a course.

Students with Special Requirements:

If you or the person you are wishing to enrol has special requirements, please contact Reception on 9432 9555 or email [email protected] to discuss suitability and how we can help.

Tutor Bina Butcher

Bina Butcher is a practicing artist based in Perth WA who has a focus on printmaking practices. Her workshops cover everything from printmaking basics such as monoprint, dry point etching, screen printing, embossing and woodcut; to more in-depth processes that can include chine cole', paper lithography, cyanotype, bookbinding and much more.

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