In light of yesterday’s announcement by the WA State Government introducing Level 2 public health measures from this Thursday 3 March, we wanted to share how this will impact Fremantle Arts Centre’s programs and events.
Our beautiful grounds, our shop FOUND, and Canvas Café will all remain open.
– Our galleries with our current exhibition Undertow will remain open
– Our Curator Tours will go ahead on Sat 26 Mar + Fri 1 Apr
– Our Tactile Tours have been cancelled
– Buster the Fun Bus and Friday Story Time will both proceed outdoors in our Front Garden
All our scheduled learning classes will be running as planned. Class numbers are all safely within 2sqm limits and masks are mandatory.
Will be paused, effective immediately. Tonight’s session (1 Mar) will not take place so we look forward to resuming when we can all sing together, uninhibited, once more.
Disclosure with Gemma Weston (22 Mar) and An Evening with the Collection (23 Mar) will go ahead. These events will be moved to our Front Garden to ensure greater social distancing can be observed throughout. Registration to attend these events will now be required. Please visit the event pages on our website to do so.
Pecha Kucha Karaoke (11 Mar) has been cancelled.
Sunday Music will proceed with a capacity limit of 500. All patrons will need to wear a mask at all times while at the event. We recommend you arrive early.
Updates about our upcoming music shows will be made in the coming days and weeks, in consultation with the event promoters.
A reminder that FAC is a vaccine-mandated site and proof of vaccination is required for entry. Please visit for details. Capacity limits will be in place so we ask all visitors to enter the building via reception so this can be monitored.
We thank you, our amazing community, for your understanding as we navigate the challenges Omicron presents. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact us at [email protected]